Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Sorry for the LONG lapse between posts!  I have literally been in survival mode!  Husband who travels, booming photography business, house to keep up, two dogs who drive me crazy, working at the gym, and oh yea....returning back to work from my maternity leave!  It's been a lot to handle, and at times, thought it might put me over the edge, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I have had to accept that many things in my life are temporary right now.

Having a baby who wakes in the middle of the night 2 or 3 times to eat and snuggle, is temporary.  While I miss the sleep, I will miss the snuggles and alone, quite time even more.  He's my little snuggle buddy.

Having a 2 1/2 year old who doesn't want to sleep by herself, and only wants her mommy or daddy to be with her, is temporary.  While it is frustrating and a long process, I must also tell myself that in a few years, she won't want us to be with her all the time.  She won't want the snuggles and the time together...this is temporary.

My current post baby temporary.  I hope.  :)  I've really struggled with the post baby body and missing my old self.  I miss my clothes in the closet and how they use to fit...but I keep reminding myself that my main job right now is to feed and sustain little buddy, and that once I'm done nursing, I will get my body back.  The phase I'm in right now is temporary, and I will be back once again.

But the hardest since going back to work, is fitting in my workouts, especially my running.  Every time I try to go, someone in my house is needing something.  Hubs is gone a lot, and that makes it that much harder.  I try to run early in the morning, but buddy wakes up, wants to eat and snuggle, and that's more important than a run.  After work / school, pick kids up, try to fit in a run on the treadmill while buddy naps and little girl watches her favorite cartoon, Caillou, but that has only actually worked out one time.  Something or someone always comes up. I try to go after all the kids are asleep, but lately, getting them down to sleep has taken hours, and by the time they are asleep I'm so exhausted all I can do is go to sleep.  So, I know that this phase of my life is only temporary, and soon I will be up early to run again, but right's hard to accept.  But once again I must remind myself, it is temporary.