Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Birth Story - Part 3

I KNOW!!!  I'm still not done!!!!  When D's head was delivered, his shoulders became stuck.  I am not a big person, ALMOST 5 feet tall and just a little over 100 lbs when not carrying an almost 9 pound baby, so there just wasn't a lot of room for this little one to squeeze out.  As I was trying to push him out and my doctor was trying to deliver him, everyone got quite, and I didn't really notice, I was working too hard.  I later learned from Hubs that baby was starting to turn blue.  That's when my doctor did a quick episiotomy and literally pulled him out with some help from me of course!!  When he came out the bruises covered his body and he had one VERY cone head!!! (My doctor also had to use the vacuum twice.  Once to get past my pubic bone and once after his head was out to get his shoulders.)  He also was not moving his left arm.  After seeing his size and the trauma to get him out, and the arm, it was decided to call in the on-call pediatrician to come and check him out.  They were certain that his collar bone was broken and they wanted the doctor to check all the bruising and make sure it was from the delivery and not something else. 
AGH!  Will this day never end??  The doctor was there within 20 minutes and did a through check over of baby D.  YES, he was bigger than anyone imagined, but he was okay.  The bruises was from the tight fit, the cone head was fine and was already getting better compared to even an hour before, and his collar bone was not broken.  He was just going to be sore and tender.  I hear ya buddy, I hear ya.  So, finally, the labor and delivery was over and I had a healthy baby who I already loved more than I ever thought possible.
The next morning, after all the epidural was worn off, and the pain medicine was time to be taken again, I got my first taste of what I had done to my body. 
I have run many marathons, been through a lot of hard physical training, but nothing, nothing could prepare me for the complete all over body ache, sore, and PAIN that I was experiencing.  I literally could not even move my legs out of the bed with out Hubs help because everything hurt so badly.  He had to help me do everything and I couldn't ever be left alone because I couldn't even get my own baby out of the cradle without help.  I was in rough, rough, shape.  After Miss M's birth I was up and moving within hours!!  I was running again within a week!!  Now...I didn't know if I would ever be able to walk again.  I was hurting...bad.  Finally by the time we were to leave the hospital on Wednesday, Aug. 28th, I could "walk" SLOWLY, but at least without the help of another person.  As long as I stayed current on my pain meds, I could at least move.  I have slowly gotten better each day, but still need my pain meds and wonder if I will ever be the same again!!!  I'm starting to turn the corner, which is giving me some more hope!!! 

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! Carrie, you are a TROOPER X 100,0000000!!!! Dalton is PRECIOUS!! CONGRATS and PLEASE, PLEASE let me know if you need anything! :)
