Monday, August 19, 2013

Boy or Girl??!!!???

We are on our countdown...three weeks to due date!  But really, any time is good for me!  I'm at that uncomfortable, large stage that seems to drag on forever.

Hubs and I are both anxiously awaiting...boy or girl!!!  With Miss M's pregnancy, I just knew that I was having a girl...the whole time.  I had a feeling from the moment we found out we were pregnant.  In fact, we didn't even pick out a boys name!! 

But this little one has me stumped!!!  I go back and forth, back and forth on what I'm having...I just can't stick with one gender!! 

Hubs thought that it was a boy from the get go, but has changed his mind over the last few weeks.  He's having dreams that we have two girls, and he has a philosophy that he will only have girls based on his devious and sometimes questionable choices as a younger guy........He thinks having two girls will be his punishment for causing so much trouble for his mother and the father's of many young girls in his youth!  HA! 

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