Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Dunk Tank Tragedy

The last weekend in April we went to Hutchinson for a "work trip" that Hubbs had on his schedule.  It was a fundraiser that all the stores in Hutch were putting on, and I thought it would be a fun family weekend to get away. 

Miss M. loved the hotel...especially the swimming pool.  She's still talking about jumping into the pool and daddy's arms.  We went swimming the night we got there, and then she was up SEVERAL times in the night excited to go again!!  Hubbs finally took her bright and early on Saturday (6:30 a.m. to be exact) and they were back within 20 minutes.  It was a little chilly!!  HA!!!

At the fundraiser, they had many fun things set up for the kids, so Miss M. had a blast!  She got to ride a horse, go in the bounce house, get her face painted, etc.

I was busy doing the "schmoozing" thing.  Meeting all of the people that work for Hubbs and then, meeting his BIG boss who flew in for the event.  I tried to do my best to smile, nod, and laugh at their jokes, and be the amazing and beautiful wife that I am!  HA! 

Part of the fundraiser was the "Dunk Tank".  Hubbs agreed to volunteer to be dunked in the tank.  Now seriously, who wouldn't LOVE to have a chance to dunk their boss into a cold barrel of water on a cool morning??  So people were LINED up and GITTY at the chance to dunk my poor hubby.  I even found myself getting a little defensive of him, but he was having fun and taking it all in good stride.  He was a good sport and climbed right in with no argument. 

Miss M and I were off to the side watching.  I didn't think to talk to her about what was going to happen, bad mommy moment for me.  :(

The first guy stepped up to throw his three softballs.  And let's just say, he was rather aggressive with his throwing.  Everyone was laughing, and having fun, and teasing the guy who was throwing because he was missing badly.  Then his final throw...and you guessed it.  Bulls Eye.

And down Hubbs went!!!  He fell hard, and Miss M. LOST IT. 
I mean, the most upset I have EVER seen her!  She was WAILING and SCREAMING for her daddy!  We ran up to check on him, and he came up laughing and tried to convince her that he was just fine, but she was having NOTHING to do with it.  She was mad, unhappy, and very upset that people were trying to hurt her daddy!
Remember...the line was long, and Hubbs had to get right back up and ready for the next person who started his turn at throwing the softballs.  I was trying to gather our things and get out, but of course, Hubbs went down again before I could get us out of there...and Miss M. was almost beside herself!!
Finally, I got everything together and got into the store where she couldn't see.  But she's no dummy.  She knew that Daddy wasn't with us, that he was still outside in the tank, and she could still hear everyone laughing.  There was NO CONSULING her.  She cried, with a broken heart, for over an hour.  By the end, I was crying because I hurt so badly for her.  She just didn't understand.  So many people kept coming into the store to try and offer her things to make her feel better, but we didn't know these strangers, and they were making her madder, because in her eyes, everyone was out to get her daddy.
Finally, after an hour, Hubbs came into the store to consult now BOTH of his upset girls.  Miss M. ran to her daddy, snuggled into his chest and continued crying.  She kept touching his cheek and asking him if he was okay.  He kept trying to explain that it was a game, and that he was swimming, but she didn't believe him, not for a minute.
So, we decided that it was time to go.  Thank goodness!!  We said our goodbyes and quickly made it to the car to begin our trip home. 
It has almost been TWO weeks since this dunk tank incident, and Miss M. still talks about the dunk tank at least twice a day.  "The dunk tank was sad.  I don't like the dunk tank.  Daddy fall down." 
So lesson learned?  Give your kids some heads up.  :)

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