Tuesday, April 23, 2013

20 Week Sonogram with the Perinatologist

So when you are AMA, you have the chance to get a "special" level 2 sonogram with a Perinatologist. 

Off to Kansas City B and I went Monday morning, bright and early. 

First thing was of course ~ the paperwork.  We were then escorted to a lovely room to go over all the
"odds" from my blood work and our family history of having a kiddo with any genetic disorders. Basically our blood work and history show that we have a very low percentage of having any issues...super!!!

Next was the sonogram. 

A sonogram at my doctor's is a very exciting and fun time!  Lots of smiles, and "oohhh's" and "agh's"...but not here.  It was all business.  The doctor just pointed out each area:  thigh bone, feet, hands, each organ, brain, face, arms.  He called out measurements and the nurse typed it all into a computer.  Then he was done...10 minutes and he was done.


He printed out some pictures, shook our hands and told us we didn't need to come back. 

B and I both were relieved that everything was fine, but sad that we didn't have more time to enjoy our little one and really see him or her move!!  (Yes!! We were still strong and looked away when he was going over "that" section!!!) 

Currently the baby is breech, but hoping and praying that he or she turns within the next 20 weeks! I'm sure everything will be fine, but a mother must have something to worry about, right? 

The only thing new was that this little one continues to be a fast grower and is now 8 days ahead of schedule, putting our "due date" to Sept. 1st...but the nurse said to keep using our original date based off my cycle.

Here are some pictures!!! 

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