Monday, May 27, 2013

P and V

I remember vividly when I was young my mother, on rare occasions, saying to my dad (usually on the phone because he traveled a lot for work) that, "Miss C. is full of P & V today!!!"

I remember so often trying to figure out WHAT she meant by this phrase...and finally when I was a teenager, when my mother was at her wits end, she finally just said it.  " are full of piss and vinegar!" 

What?!?  This saying doesn't even make any sense!!  I simply rolled my eyes, and went on proceeding to tell my mother how she didn't know anything, and I knew everything.

Today, my loving, sweet, good little Miss M. was full of it...and I found myself saying to Hubs...
"Oh my gosh!  She is full of P & V!"

He looked at me like I was crazy until I told him what it meant.  He had a good laugh.

So today's post is my, "I get it now.  You were right.  What was I thinking Mom!?!?" 

Now Miss M. is sleeping soundly in her bed, looking so sweet and innocent.  I smiled and ahhed....then came downstairs and remembered our day when I saw the paint on the patio door.  Oh yes....Miss M is her mother's daughter.  :)

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