Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A little drama in our lives...

I must say, Mini Mugs 2 has plenty of personality!  This kiddo, from the get go, has been quite different than little Miss M.  Mini Mugs is a topsy - turvey kid.  One moment it is breech, the next in head down, and the next laying sideways!!  You just never know where he or she will be at any moment. 

Monday night, this little one gave us quite the scare. 

Around 4:15 I started to notice Braxton Hicks contractions, but of course, didn't think much of it.  That's what pregnancy is, especially third trimester.

Then at 6:15, I noticed the contractions were pretty regular and maybe I should lay down.  They didn't hurt, but maybe it was time to put my feet up.  I put in a video for Miss M. and then laid on the couch on my left side.

At 7:00 I went upstairs to help with dinner and was unloading the dishwasher when I noticed the contractions starting to become stronger.  To the point that I couldn't unload dishwasher during the contraction.

So, at 7:30 I went upstairs to lay on our bed and try to relax and breathe and just calm my body. 

By 8:00, Hubbs and I decided to try a warm bath.  And by 8:15, we decided maybe we should time these suckers.

And they were like clockwork, every 2.5 minutes for 30-45 seconds.  And they didn't "hurt", but they were definitely stronger and needed some breathing to get through them.

9:15 I finally called the doctor (I know...I know....) and told the on-call doctor our evening and she said to come in right away. Not what I wanted to hear.

We got to the hospital around 9:40 and went in through the ER.  I was taken right up to 3rd floor, to L&D, and taken to a small "check you out room".  This is where I for sure thought they would monitor me for a short bit and then say, "It's only gas pains silly!  Go home!!"  But no....they monitored and admitted me by 10:30 for preterm labor.  :(

Once I got in my room they started an IV and the regimen of drugs began.  First I got some fluids, then my first shot of Terbutaline.  A med that is very effective at relaxing the uterus.  The doctor also did some tests and checking of my cervix and all of those were very good news.  The doctor thought one shot of Terbutaline would do the trick...but again, Mini Mugs 2 had his or her own plan.  I ended up needing 3 shots of Terbutaline and an IV pain med to also relax all the muscles. 

Finally, at 2:30 a.m. the contractions stopped.  I was there for monitoring for a couple more hours and then, finally, we were sent home.

Now, I am on "Low Activity" for a week and then back next Tuesday for another appointment.  If all looks good, and no more regular contractions, I can resume life back to normal. 

So here's to some time to relax and catch-up on my blog, work on the baby book, watch some good old TV and hopefully catch a nap or two. 

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