Monday, April 8, 2013


Hello blogging world!!!

I'm back!!!! 

During our many years of infertility I had a blog, Journey of Hope, that I used as my very cheap therapy, connection to the infertility world, and as documentation of our amazing journey.  The blog became HUGE and grew into something that was incredible.  I loved every minute of my blogging experience, and the remarkable people I met, the opportunities that it brought me, and the memories...but then it grew so huge and so big, that I became overwhelmed.  It started to grow into more than a part-time blogger could handle.   The mommy in me was also worried about who was reading and seeing pictures of my little miracle. So I closed the blog. I had it printed and bound into a book for my family to have and cherish. 

I took the site down several months ago with no intentions of ever coming back to the blogging that I've been out of it for awhile, I have missed it terribly!  I hated not being connected to the many amazing people that I met in my journey, the fast and easy way of keeping friends and family updated with our life, and having the chance to write about my reality, my life. 

So...I'm back!!!  This blog will be for our friends and family to keep up with our life and to share all of my thoughts, dreams, frustrations, and best of all, advice and wisdom!  HA!!!  And of course...many, many pictures. 

I hope that you will join in this journey with me...the adventures of my AMA (advanced maternal age) Reality.  A woman and her reality of being a mom, wife, teacher, fitness enthusiast and photographer.  Sounds fun, yes?? 

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